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Command Dota 2

Chat commandEquivalent console commandEffect
-lvlup #dota_dev hero_level #Increases the level of the user's hero by # (cannot reduce level).
-levelbots #dota_bot_give_level #Increases the level of all bots' heroes by # (cannot reduce level).
-lvlmaxdota_dev hero_maxlevelLevels your hero to the max and skills all your abilities.
-gold #dota_dev player_givegold #Grants the user # unreliable gold (using negative numbers reduces gold).
-item <name>dota_create_item<name>Gives the user's hero the named item (in case of Meepo minimap icon.png Meepo, gives items only to the prime).
-givebots <name>dota_bot_give_item<name>Gives all bots' heroes the named item (in case of Meepo minimap icon.png Meepo, gives items only to the prime).
-refreshdota_dev hero_refreshReplenishes the player's (and all bots') hero's health and mana to full, and refreshes their ability and item cooldowns. Only affects heroes (and illusions). Also resets the cooldowns of
Glyph of Fortification and Scan. Does not affect Buyback cooldown.
-respawndota_dev hero_respawnForces the player's hero to respawn. Also works while the hero is alive, moving it to the team fountain, replenishing health and mana.
-startgamedota_dev forcegamestartForces the match to start immediately, skipping the prepare phase. Using this command after the match starts (0.00 minute mark creeps spawn) has no effect.
-spawncreepsdota_spawn_creepsInstantly spawns lane creeps on each lane for both teams.
-spawnneutralsdota_spawn_neutralsInstantly spawns neutral creeps at each camp. Does not spawn when other neutral creeps are within the spawn area, but ignores other units.
dota_creeps_no_spawning 1/0Disables lane and neutral creep spawning (except Roshan).
Enables lane and neutral creep spawning.
-spawnrunedota_spawn_runeSpawns runes at both rune spots, one being a bounty rune, the other being a random non-bounty rune.
-killwardsdota_dev killwardsDestroys all placed Sentry Ward icon.png Sentry Wards and Observer Ward icon.png Observer Wards.
-clearwardsdota_clear_wardsDestroys all placed Observer Ward icon.png Observer Wards.
-createhero<name> neutral
-createhero<name> enemy
dota_create_unit <name>neutral
dota_create_unit <name>enemy
Creates named unit or hero as an ally, neutral or enemy. The unit spawns where the user's mouse courser is pointing. Can spawn any unit, not only heroes.
Neutral heroes cannot be created. Attempting to do so spawns them as Radiant heroes without a slot aligned for them.
Spawning buildings this way always appear at the map center and are always invulnerable. Some spawned summons may not have their abilities.
-dumpbotsdota_bot_dump_stateDisplays AI status.
dota_ability_debug 1/0Disables mana cost and cooldown of abilities and items, and applies the same effects as -refresh
Enables mana cost and cooldown of abilities and items.
dota_all_vision 1/0Enables shared vision between Radiant and Dire.
Disables shared vision between the teams.
-teleportdota_dev hero_teleportTeleports the selected hero to the current cursor location.
-treesdota_treerespawnRespawns all trees on the map, taking tree spawn blocking into account.
-windota_winInstantly destroys the enemy's Ancient.
Source:Dota 2 Wiki

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